
Each Clusterman autoscaler instance manages the capacity for a single pool in a Mesos cluster. Clusterman determines the target capacity by evaluating signals. Signals are a function of metrics and represent the estimated resources (e.g. CPUs, memory) required by an application running on that pool. Clusterman compares this estimate to the current number of resources available and changes the target capacity for the pool accordingly (see Scaling Logic).

Signal Evaluation

During each autoscaling run, Clusterman evaluates each signal defined for the pool; any metrics requested by the signal are automatically read from the metrics datastore by the autoscaler, and passed in to the signal, along with any additional parameters that the signal needs in order to run. The signal then returns a resource request, indicating how many resources the application wants for the current period. Clusterman combines the resource requests from all the signals to determine how many resources to add or remove from the pool; these resource requests are subject to final capacity limits on the cluster to ensure that the pool does not ever contain too many or too few resources (which might cost extra money or impact availability).

A signal’s resource request is defined as follows:

  "Resources": {
    "cpus": requested_cpus,
    "mem": requested_memory_in_MB,
    "disk": requested_disk_in_MB

If an application does not define its own signal, or if Clusterman is unable to load or evaluate the application’s signal for any reason, Clusterman will fall back to using a default signal, defined in Clusterman’s own service configuration file. See the configuration file and the clusterman namespace within clusterman_signals package for the latest definitions. In general, the default signal uses recent values of allocated CPUs, memory, and disk to estimate the resources required in the future.

How to Write a Custom Signal

Code for custom signals should be defined in the clusterman_signals package. Once a signal is defined there, the Pool Configuration section below describes how Clusterman can be configured to use it for a pool.

Signal code

In clusterman_signals, there is a separate directory for each application (called the signal namespace). If there is not already a namespace for your signal already, create a directory within clusterman_signals and create an file within that directory.

Within that directory, application owners may choose how to organize signal classes within files. The only requirement is that the signal class must be able to be imported directly from that subpackage, i.e. from clusterman_signals.poolA import MyCustomSignal. Typically, in the, you would import the class and then add it to __all__:

from clusterman_signals.poolA.custom_signal import MyCustomSignal

__all__ = [MyCustomSignal, ...]

Define a new class that implements clusterman_signals.base_signal.BaseSignal (the class name should be unique). In this class, you only need to overwrite the value() method. value() should use metric values to return a clusterman_signals.base_signal.SignalResources tuple, where the units of the tuple should match the Mesos units: shares for CPUs, MB for memory and disk.

When you configure your custom signal, you specify the metric names that your signal requires and how far back the data for each metric should be queried. The autoscaler handles the querying of metrics for you, and passes these into the value() method, along with the current UNIX timestamp. The format of metrics argument is a dictionary of metric timeseries data, keyed by the timeseries name and where where each metric timeseries is a list of (unix_timestamp_seconds, value) pairs, sorted from oldest to most recent.

The signal also has available any configuration parameters that you specified in the parameters dict, and the cluster and pool that the signal is operating on are available in the cluster and pool attributes on the signal.


For application metrics, the clusterman metrics client will automatically prepend the application name to the metric key to avoid conflicts between metrics for different applications. However, Clusterman strips this prefix from the metric name before sending it to the signal, so you do not need to handle this in your signal code.


For system metrics, the metrics client will add the cluster and pool as dimensions to the metric name to prevent conflicts between different clusters and pools. These dimensions are also stripped from the metric name before being sent to the client, since they are accessible via the cluster and pool attributes in the signal.


A custom signal class that averages cpus_allocated values:

from clusterman_signals.base_signal import BaseSignal
from clusterman_signals.base_signal import SignalResources

class AverageCPUAllocation(BaseSignal):

    def value(self):
       cpu_values = [val for timestamp, val in self.metrics_cache['cpus_allocated']
       average = sum(cpu_values) / len(cpu_values)
       return SignalResources(cpus=average)

And configuration for a pool, so that the autoscaler will evaluate that signal every 10 minutes, over data from the last 20 minutes:

    name: AverageCPUAllocation
    branch_or_tag: v1.0.0
    period_minutes: 10
        - name: cpus_allocated
          type: system_metrics
          minute_range: 20

Under the hood (supervisord)

In order to ensure that the autoscaler can work with multiple clients that specify different versions of the clusterman_signals repo, we do not import clusterman_signals into the autoscaler. Instead, Clusterman launches each signal in a separate process and communicates with them over abstract Unix domain sockets. The orchestration of the signal subprocesses and the autoscaler is performed by supervisord, a client/server system that controls the operation of all the independent subprocesses. In turn, supervisord is controlled by an autoscaler bootstrap batch daemon. The way this works is outlined in detail below:

  1. When a new signal version is written, tagged, and pushed to master, Jenkins builds a virtual environment for that signal, creates a tarball of the virtualenv, and uploads it to S3.

  2. When the autoscaler bootstrap batch starts, it reads the CMAN_CLUSTER and CMAN_POOL environment variables to determine what cluster and pool it should be operating on.

  3. The autoscaler bootstrap script reads the version of the signal that should be used for this specific cluster and pool from the configuration. It sets all of the environment variables needed for supervisord to run. Once the bootstrap initialization is complete, it starts supervisord.

  4. Since there may be multiple applications running on the pool, and each application can pin a different version of the signal code, we may need to download multiple different versions of the signal code. The first thing supervisord does when it starts, therefore, is to download all needed versions of the signal from S3 as specified in the CMAN_VERSIONS_TO_FETCH environment variable.

    supervisord uses a so-called homogeneous process group to fetch the signals. That is, it runs one copy of the signal-fetcher script for each version of the signal code that needs to be downloaded; it reports completion only when all of the processes in the group have completed successfully. The CMAN_NUM_VERSIONS environment variable controls the size of this process group, and each fetcher script takes %(process_num) as an argument to determine its task.

  5. The autoscaler bootstrap waits for that step to complete, and then triggers supervisord to start the signal process(es) running via the CMAN_SIGNAL_NAMESPACES, CMAN_SIGNAL_NAMES, and CMAN_SIGNAL_APPS environment variables. As above, supervisord runs the signals in homogeneous process groups.

    Each signal listens for incoming connections on an abstract Unix domain socket named \0{signal_namespace}-{signal_name}-{app}-socket, where signal_namespace is the subdirectory of clusterman_signals containing the signal specified by signal_name, and app is the application running the signal.


    the name of the default signal is __default__

    If the signal process dies for any reason, supervisord will automatically restart it, and the autoscaler will attempt to reconnect on the next iteration.

  6. The autoscaler bootstrap waits for that step to complete and then starts the autoscaler batch daemon, which connects to all running signals and then proceeds to autoscale the pool.

  7. The autoscaler bootstrap periodically polls files in srv-configs and AWS keys, and will restart the entire process if any of these files change.

Running the Signal Process

To initialize the signal, is called in the clusterman_signals repo; this script takes two command-line arguments: the pool of the signal to load, and the name of the signal to load. The socket name is constructed from these two parameters, which (should) guarantee that different pools communicate over different processes. The script then connects to the specified Unix socket and waits for the autoscaler to initialize the signal. The JSON object for signal initialization looks like the following:

    "cluster": what cluster this signal is operating on,
    "pool": what pool this signal is operating on for the specified cluster,
    "parameters": the values for any parameters from configuration that the signal should reference

Once the signal is properly initialized, the script waits for input from the autoscaler indefinitely. Since metrics data could be arbitrarily large, the communication protocol for this data looks like the following:

  1. First the autoscaler must send the length of the encoded metrics data object as an unsigned integer

  2. The signal run loop must ACK the length by sending 0x1 back to the autoscaler

  3. The autoscaler then must send the actual metrics data, broken up into chunks if necessary

  4. When the signal run loop has received all data, it must ACK the data by sending 0x1 back to the autoscaler, unless the run loop detects some error in the communication; in this case, it must send 0x2 to the autoscaler

  5. If the autoscaler receives 0x2 from the signal, it will throw an exception; otherwise, it will wait for a response from the signal

The metrics input data takes the form of the following JSON blob:

    "metrics": {
        "metric-name-1": [[timestamp, value1], [timestamp, value2], ...],
        "metric-name-2": [[timestamp, value1], [timestamp, value2], ...],

In other words, the autoscaler passes in all of the required_metrics values for the signal, which have been collected over the last period_minutes window for each metric. The signal then will give the following response to the autoscaler:

  "Resources": {
    "cpus": requested_cpus,
    "mem": requested_memory_in_MB,
    "disk": requested_disk_in_MB

The value in this response is the result from running the signal with the specified data.

supervisord Environment Variables

  • CMAN_CLUSTER: the name of the cluster to autoscale

  • CMAN_POOL: the name of the pool to autoscale

  • CMAN_ARGS: any additional arguments to pass to the autoscaler batch job

  • CMAN_VERSIONS_TO_FETCH: a space-separated list of signal versions to fetch from S3

  • CMAN_SIGNAL_VERSIONS: a space-separated list of versions to use for each signal

  • CMAN_SIGNAL_NAMESPACES: a space-separated list of namespaces to use for each signal

  • CMAN_SIGNAL_NAMES: a space-separated list of signal names

  • CMAN_SIGNAL_APPS: a space-separated list of applications scaled

  • CMAN_NUM_VERSIONS: the number of signal versions to fetch from S3

  • CMAN_NUM_SIGNALS: the number of signals to run

  • CMAN_SIGNALS_BUCKET: the location of the signal artifact bucket in S3